
FTU Heartfelt Scraps and Russell Platt


This tutorial was written by me on April 10,2009. Any similarities to another
tutorial is purely coincidental.All my tutorial are register with My Copyright. Please do
Not claim as your own.This tutorial writer assumes you have a working knowledge
of using Paint Shop Pro. This tutorial was done in Paint Shop Pro9, but can be
adapted to use in other Paint Shop Pro versions.

                            SUPPLIES NEEDED

Tube of Choice: I am using the awesome artwork of Russell Platt.. You can purchase
his tubes HERE at The Tube Project. Please do not use without a license to do so.

Scrapkit of Choice: I am using a FTU Scrapkits from Heartfelt Scraps.  
 Thanks Melissa for the use of this awesome kit.

Mask is WSL#14 from Weescotslass Creations - place in your mask folder in psp
You can download from her site HERE.....Thanks Chelle  

Word art by Sophisticat Simone. You can get it HERE
Thanks Simone for the word art.

Font for name is Monika
copy write is always done in Pixelette ... 
Please Google for them.

Drop shadow use throughout H-2/V-2/O-50/B-5

          LET'S BEGIN

Open up Template and flood fill background white (we will resize later)
x out all layers except background. Go to scrap kit and choose paper of choice.

Copy and paste above white background. go to Layers...load/save mask...load mask from disk
Merge group down and duplicate once...merge down

uncheck large rounded rectangle and using magic wand click inside rectangle.
Copy and paste choice of paper...selection/invert and delete.
Merge down and drop shadow...Uncheck medium strip...using magic wand click inside
choose paper of choice...copy/paste...selection/invert and delete...merge down
and drop shadow...Uncheck small strip...using magic wand click inside
choose paper of choice...copy/paste...selection/invert and delete...merge down
and add drop shadow...go and choose frame of choice...copy /paste on top of large rectangle
also choose which ever frame corner you like and copy and paste in the corner of frame
add drop shadow to both. using magic wand click inside of photo frame
copy/paste tube and resize 2 times by 80%...go to selection invert/delete
drop shadow tube...color your bird to match your tag/tube...drop shadow
unclick sun and go to selection/float/unfloat and color it in color of choice...I used a light yellow
go to kit and choose lace flower of choice and copy on top of sun...resize by 80% and drop shadow.
paste your word art and place where you want it...use magic wand and click inside of the letters "Tweet"
and choose paper of choice...selection/invert/delete...merge down and drop shadow.
resize your tag before you place your copyright information. Add name

You are done.........Thank you for trying my tutorial